Haley: I am done discussing North Korea

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday said she is “done” discussing North Korea, noting that combatting its aggression will require the help of regional partners.
“Done talking about NKorea.China is aware they must act.Japan & SKorea must inc pressure.Not only a US problem.It will req an intl solution,” Haley wrote on Twitter.
Done talking about NKorea.China is aware they must act.Japan & SKorea must inc pressure.Not only a US problem.It will req an intl solution.
— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) July 30, 2017
{mosads}Haley has been sounding the alarm on North Korea’s nuclear ambitions since becoming the United States’ envoy to the U.N. earlier this year.
Haley said in a statement released Sunday that the United States is not pursuing an emergency session with the U.N. Security Council over North Korea’s recent ballistic missile launch.
“There is no point in having an emergency session if it produces nothing of consequence. North Korea is already subject to numerous Security Council resolutions that they violate with impunity and that are not complied with by all UN Member States,” she said.
Haley said another resolution that doesn’t “significantly increase the international pressure” on Pyongyang “is of no value.”
“In fact, it is worse than nothing, because it sends the message to the North Korean dictator that the international community is unwilling to seriously challenge him,” Haley said.
“China must decide whether it is finally willing to take this vital step. The time for talk is over. The danger the North Korean regime poses to international peace is now clear to all.”
Vice President Pence, while traveling in Estonia, was also asked about North Korea’s latest show of aggression.
“The continued provocations by the rogue regime in North Korea are unacceptable and the United States of America is going to continue to marshal the support of nations across the region and across the world to further isolate North Korea economically and diplomatically,” he said, according to a pool report.
“But the era of strategic patience is over,” he continued, also saying China needs to do more to help isolate Pyongyang.
“We believe China has a unique relationship with the regime in North Korea and has a unique ability to influence decisions by that regime and we call on China to use that influence along with other nations in the region to encourage North Korea to join the family of nations, to embrace a nuclear-free Korean peninsula and abandon its provocative actions and its ballistic missile program.”
The Trump administration has pushed China to put pressure on North Korea as it seeks to solve the nuclear issue. Pyongyang this year has conducted multiple missile tests.
The State Department earlier this month announced a ban on Americans traveling to North Korea.
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