
Does President Obama like Kevin Hart?

What type of movies do you think President Obama likes?

The newest trove of leaks from the Sony Pictures hack reveals a jokey but embarrassing email exchange between a top Sony executive and major movie producer discussing just that.

{mosads}“What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” Sony Pictures Co-chairwoman Amy Pascal asked film producer Scott Rudin, according to emails BuzzFeed discovered. Pascal was about to attend a November 2013 breakfast hosted by Jeffrey Katzenberg, head of DreamWorks Animation and a big Democratic booster.

“Would he like to finance some movies?” responded Rudin, who has produced movies like “The Social Network,” “Captain Phillips” and “The Grand Budapest Hotel.”

Then it quickly devolved into a back and forth about what movies the president might like, focusing on movies about slavery or starring African Americans. 

“I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked DJANGO?” Pascal wrote.

“12 YEARS.” Rudin said.

“Or the butler. Or think like a man? [sic]” replied Pascal.

Then the kicker, from Rudin.

“Ride-along. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.”

Obama wasn’t ultimately pressed for his take on Kevin Hart, the comedian who will reprise his “Ride Along” role in a 2016 sequel.

At the event, the president did joke around a bit, though.  

“I don’t know if you know this, but my ears were one of the inspirations for ‘Shrek.’ That’s true. True story.”

Both Pascal and Rubin apologized Thursday for their remarks.

— Updated 1:18 p.m.


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