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White House pushes ‘Let Girls Learn’ program

The White House is announcing a new program aimed at expanding education access for young women worldwide called “Let Girls Learn.”

Both President Obama and Michelle Obama will announce the initiative Tuesday afternoon at the White House. 

The White House said in a statement, “62 million girls around the world — half of whom are adolescent — are not in school. These girls have diminished economic opportunities and are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, early and forced marriage, and other forms of violence.”

“Yet when a girl receives a quality education, she is more likely to earn a decent living, raise a healthy, educated family, and improve the quality of life for herself, her family, and her community.” 

The program plans to provide new training for Peace Corps workers for placement in 11 countries during its first year: Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Georgia, Ghana, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Togo and Uganda.

The first lady will also travel to Japan and Cambodia to promote the initiative from March 18-22.

“We all know the best way to economic security, the best way to pursue your dreams, is to have an education,” White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” talking about the program.

 “What the president and first lady want to do today is put a spotlight on a whole-of-government approach to ensuring all the world’s girls have the opportunity to pursue school and finish school because that is the pathway to success.”

— This post was updated at 9:11 a.m.

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