Day's End Round-Up


Got Chemicals? – D. Kurtz, TPM
This Friday Afternoon – K.J. Lopez, The Corner
The Political Case for Immigration ReformEzra Klein
ISO ‘Next Generation of Leaders’ – K. McIntyre, The Foundry
Context Matters – S. Benen, Political Animal
Chinese Policy Creates Sociological Nightmare – E. Morrissey, HotAir
Batchelor Party Hendrik Hertzberg
Supplemental War Funding For… – M. Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
DC, Congress and the M Word – L. Hudson, Firedoglake
Good Friday (III)Ross Douthat
Crime and the Recession – A. Serwer, Tapped
Barack Obama, Civil Libertarian – John, Powerline
Move Over Rush, It’s Now Beck’s Party – Kos, Daily Kos
Get Palin! – J. Painter, RedState
The Heroes of Financial Fraud Megan McArdle

Hastert Contracted to Lobby for TurkeyThe Hill
Obama ‘Starting to See Progress’ in EconomyThe Hill
U.S. Talks with Pirates Continue Washington Post
Iraqi Truck Bombing Kills 5 U.S. Soldiers Wall Street Journal

Tags Barack Obama Daily Kos Firedoglake Goldfarb Hertzberg HOTAIR Jewish surnames Kos McArdle Megan McArdle Political blogs Publishing RedState

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