Day's End Round-Up


Fortunate One – DougJ, Balloon Juice
Salazar’s wind power fantasy – Conn Caroll, The Foundry
This is getting comical – David Kurtz, Talking Points Memo
Obama’s silence on pirates correct – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
Swing senators optimistic on cap/trade – B. Plumer, The Vine
Stop spending our future – Veronique de Rugy, The Corner
The circular firing squad – Kevin Drum, MoJo
Bad timing and bad taste – Michael Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
Declining unpopularity of socialismMatthew Yglesias
Why is Hillary laughing?Michelle Malkin
“Real” people revealed – BarbinMD, DailyKos
Price of extremism – Jennifer Rubin, Contentions
Sanford fights back on stimulus – Chris Cillizza, The Fix
Summers defends role in deregulation – Mark Lillis, TWI
Green jobs mean green unions – Brian Johnson, RedState

Obama monitoring pirate situationThe Hill
Administration sees end to “free fall”The Hill
Intelligence snafu leads to resignation in UKNY Times
Stocks surge on Wells Fargo projectionsWashington Post

Tags Commentators Heritage Foundation Hot Air Jewish surnames Lillis Mass media Michelle Malkin Plumer Political blogs Politics of the United States Talking Points Memo United States

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