Morning Read


Distributing the Bank Rescue Surplus Matthew Yglesias
Regression to the Mean – John, Powerline
Michelle Bachman, Still Crazy – T. Beeton, MyDD
Northern Exposure – M. Lewis, Townhall
Is Obama our Roosevelt? – D. Houle, DailyKos
Things Looking Up for the GOP? – P. Yousefzadeh, RedState
Market Declares Winners and Losers – tremayne, OpenLeft
Triumph of the Geeks and Tough Guys – T. Brown, Daily Beast
Take The Steering Wheel from GeithnerArianna Huffington
The Importance of Notre Dame – R. Garnett, The Corner
Who’s Pricing Whom? Ezra Klein
Ain’t No Sunshine – S. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Shameful – Hilzoy, Political Animal
Regulators, Risk and Roubini – C. Carroll, The Foundry
The Empire Strikes Back – C. I. Paris, AMERICAblog

Geithner’s Stock SurgesThe Hill
Chas Freeman Blasts Rep. WolfeThe Hill
Senate to Table Bonus Tax Bill Washington Post
Obama Dials Down Wall Street CriticismWall Street Journal

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