
Scottish newspaper denounces Trump as an ‘appalling human being’

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A newspaper in Scotland issued a scathing editorial on Friday denouncing President Trump during his visit to the United Kingdom and labeling him an “appalling human being.”

Trump is “a racist, a serial liar, and either a sexual abuser or someone who falsely brags about being one in the apparent belief that this will impress other men in a metaphorical ‘locker room,’” The Scotsman wrote.


The newspaper issued a full-page editorial and took jabs at Trump for a number of things, including defending both the protests — organized by white supremacists — and counterprotests during last year’s violent Charlottesville, Va., rally; attacking NFL players protesting during the national anthem; and previously pushing the “birtherism” movement against former President Obama.

The editorial also took a jab at Trump’s distaste for the media, which he often decries as “fake news.”

“But, according to one count by The Washington Post, the president lies an average of 6.5 times a day,” The Scotsman wrote. “The New York Times has also tried to make a definitive list of his numerous falsehoods.”

The day before the editorial, Trump went after British Prime Minister Theresa May in an interview published in the British tabloid The Sun.

He criticized her “soft” Brexit plan and said it would “kill” any future deal between the U.S. and the U.K.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday later said that Trump “likes and respects” May despite the criticism.

The Scotsman tore into British politicians for hiding “their distaste” for Trump while trying to handle Brexit.

“So, as British politicians hide their distaste in an attempt to get a much-needed post-Brexit trade deal, we should all remember what kind of man Trump really is,” the editorial said.

A number of British politicians criticized Trump publicly after The Sun interview.

Trump is in the U.K. this week for meetings with May and Queen Elizabeth II.

He will then travel to Scotland to play at his Turnberry golf course.

The president’s schedule will keep him in more rural areas to potentially avoid large-scale protests planned in London.

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of London on Friday to protest Trump’s presence.

A 20-foot inflatable diaper-clad Trump baby blimp flew over the Parliament building.

Tags baby blimp Britain Britain Donald Trump Scotland Scotland United Kingdom

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