Buck Sexton: Another one bites the dust at the FBI

By Buck Sexton
Opinion Contributor

Another one bites the dust at the FBI. Peter Strzok has been fired. He is the latest senior person from the upper reaches of the government to either get in trouble with his superiors or just get straight up booted out of the nation’s premier law enforcement agency. What the heck is going on here folks?

I thought that Mueller and all of the people at the DOJ that were working before and during the Mueller probe were the best of the best. And yet now we see a clear pattern, whether it is Strzok, or Comey, or McCabe, or Yates, of people fired for either insubordination, politicization, or just outright incompetence. Something’s going on here folks.

There has obviously been an effort at the top reaches of the Department of Justice by some people to use their power and government authority to hurt President Trump. I think that at this point there’s no question this was going on, the only question is how deep did this rot go? How far did it spread?

We know that Bruce Ohr was quite fond of Christopher Steele, the source of the alleged urination tape with President Trump in Moscow. We know there are people out there that think there will be much more collusion information any moment now, but then again this probe is winding down.

There’s a midterm election coming up, there are politics that are coming in to play. If we see the democrats take the house, will that be the end of any efforts to find just how badly things were botched at the DOJ and the FBI?

We need to understand the political implications and we need to finally accept that whatever you think of Russian interference and possible Russian collusion in the 2016 election, there was a clear law enforcement effort, a cabole of top officials at the DOJ and FBI who let their pro-Hillary, anti-Trump sentiments get the best of them, and they took action, and that’s not right.

Buck Sexton is the co-host of “Rising,” Hill.TV’s morning news show.

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