Democratic strategist: Bloomberg is the ‘worst thing’ to happen to Buttigieg

Democratic strategist Will Jawando on Wednesday said that Michael Bloomberg’s late entry into the Democratic presidential race could seriously hurt fellow contender Pete Buttigieg’s chances in the primary.

“Mike Bloomberg is the worst thing to happen to Buttigieg,” Jawando, who is now a council member in Montgomery County, Md., told Hill.TV during an appearance on “Rising.”

A new Quinnipiac University poll released on Tuesday showed that Buttigieg had slipped into fourth place with 9 percent support. Bloomberg followed, debuting at 5 percent.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, widened his lead in the nationwide poll, garnering 29 percent support. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) received 17 percent, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) trailed with 15 percent.

Jawando predicted that Bloomberg would continue to spend money and chip away at Buttigieg’s support, adding that the real question is whether Biden will be able to maintain his lead over the rest of the crowded Democratic field.

“It’s really these first couple states — can Joe [Biden] hold on? And then get to Nevada and South Carolina,” he told Hill.TV in recent to the latest Quinnipiac poll. “And if this holds, I think he’s going to be in good shape.”

Bloomberg officially announced his entrance into the Democratic primary race in late November following weeks of speculation.

In his campaign announcement, the billionaire said that he would not accept donations and would fund his campaign on his own.

As part of his campaign rollout, Bloomberg backed a multimillion-dollar ad campaign. This included at least $37 million ad buys in states such as California, New York, Florida and Texas among others.

In addition to funding his own campaign, Bloomberg’s campaign also plans to donate $10 million to the reelection campaigns of vulnerable House Democrats in swing states.

Buttigieg’s campaign did not provide a comment on Jawando’s remarks. 

— Tess Bonn

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