
White House to meet with veterans groups leaders next week

The White House is slated to meet with leaders of top veterans advocacy groups next week, amid speculation that President Trump may fire his top Veterans Affairs official. 

Chief of staff John Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, is expected to lead the meeting, according to The Washington Post

The White House declined to comment on details of the meeting when asked by the Post.

The groups met this week for talks to develop a united position against officials in the Trump administration working to outsource health options for veterans. Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, an appointee of former President Obama, remains committed to keeping the VA at the center of veterans health care. 


Shulkin is currently embroiled in a scandal involving his improper use of taxpayer dollars on a trip to Europe, where he used government funds to pay for his wife to accompany him on parts of the trip, an inspector general’s report found. 

The secretary remains adamant that he did nothing wrong, and the White House has signaled that he still has President Trump’s confidence and that his job is safe. 

Shulkin has also said he has the White House’s blessing in trying to root out officials in the agency who have “crossed the line” or were involved in “subversive events” viewed as attempts to undermine his leadership.