Presidential races

Hercules star likes Jindal, Walker for 2016

Actor Kevin Sorbo is a supporter of Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.), but is also considering Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) should either decide to run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

The Hill spoke to Sorbo at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday.

{mosads}The actor, who became famous for the Hercules television series in the mid-90s, said Jindal has a few scenes playing himself in the forthcoming movie Caged, that focuses on human trafficking.

“I think he’d be a great candidate,” Sorbo said of Jindal. “I like the fact that he’s a strong-valued man and he speaks his mind, we need that. I just agree with what he said the other day that the Republican Party needs to find a spine.”

But Sorbo said he’s keeping his powder dry, and could also see himself supporting Walker, the surging governor from Wisconsin.

“I like Walker,” he said. “I’ve met him a couple times and he’s a good guy.”

Sorbo has an anti-establishment streak, and said he’s a big proponent of term limits.

“Every election I tell people to vote everyone out,” he said. “Let’s clean house and get a new start. I’m a guy that believes in term limits, I’m tired of the 40 year careers.”

“I just don’t want to see another Clinton versus a Bush,” he added. “Enough of those two. I’m done.”