Presidential races

Trump strategist: ‘There’s not going to be a second ballot’

Donald Trump’s chief delegate strategist, Paul Manafort, said Sunday that Trump will secure the 1,237 delegates needed to win the presidential nomination ahead of the Republican convention.

{mosads}”There’s not going to be a second ballot,” Manafort said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

“There are many paths to 1,237 for Donald Trump … and we are working all of those paths.”

Manafort said Trump’s rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, only wins “the reddest of red states.” 

But Trump wins in states “where we have to win to win a presidency,” he added.

Manafort said Trump appeals to independents and Republicans.

He also expanded on what he means when he says the system is “rigged.”

“When I say rigged system, I’m talking about a closed system — a system that keeps the voters from participating,” he said.

“Because what this election has shown is that when voters participate, Donald Trump wins.”

Manafort said the Cruz campaign is not playing by the rules, adding that he expects to file several protests. 

“We’re trying to let voters decide … who the nominee should be, not the party bosses,” Manafort said.

“That’s the system of the 1920s, not 2016.”