Presidential races

Trump campaign projects 1,400 delegates at convention: report

Internal documents show Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign advisers are projecting that the billionaire businessman will secure more than 1,400 delegates at the Republican National Convention in July, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.
That total greatly exceeds the 1,237 delegates necessary to secure the nomination on the first ballot.
{mosads}The projection was in an internal campaign memo sent to Trump surrogates Tuesday night, after Trump secured a convincing win in the New York primary. It called the front-runner’s win in New York “YUGE” and included talking points to use in media interviews.
It advised the surrogates to talk about the “rigged” primary process and to slam the Republican National Committee (RNC).
“The RNC has a lot to answer for as do those who are part of the donor class and the party establishment,” the memo said.
“This movement scares the hell out of them and the people scare them, so they will do whatever they can to keep power.”
The memo also slams presidential rival Ted Cruz. Trump conspicuously didn’t reference his usual nickname of “Lyin’ Ted” on Tuesday night after winning the New York primary. 
“The Cruz spin machine produces more lies than anything else,” the memo said. 
It also includes talking points about policy issues and advises people to reference Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s email scandal moving forward into the general election.
“Hillary email scandal is going to loom large over the next several months. If anyone else had done what she had done, they would already be in prison,” it advised people to say of Clinton.
The Associated Press said Wednesday that Cruz was mathematically eliminated from securing the nomination on the first ballot, making Trump the only candidate who could get the nomination before the convention in July.
“We are headed to a contested convention at this point,” Cruz said Wednesday.
“Nobody is getting to 1,237,” he told Philadelphia radio host Chris Stigall.
GOP presidential candidate John Kasich has long predicted a contested convention.
Trump currently has 845 delegates, followed by Cruz with 559 and Kasich with 147, according to The Associated Press.