Presidential races

Clinton opens up 9-point national lead in CNN poll

A new CNN/ORC poll released Monday gives Hillary Clinton a 9-point lead over Donald Trump, suggesting the Democratic presidential nominee won a significant bump from last week’s Democratic National Convention.

Clinton leads Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, 52 percent to 43 percent in a head-to-head match-up, a 7-point bump from CNN/ORC’s last poll.

{mosads}When the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein are added in, Clinton leads Trump 45 percent to 37 percent.

It’s the second major poll released since last week’s convention to show a bounce for Clinton. A CBS poll found she held a 7-point lead over Trump after the convention, a 4-point shift in her favor.

The CNN poll underscores Trump’s problems in winning over nonwhite voters, as he trails not only Clinton but Johnson and Stein with minority voters.

Seventy percent of nonwhite voters back Clinton, 8 percent back each Johnson and Stein, and 7 percent back Trump.

Forty-four percent of Clinton supporters said they would not change their minds before Election Day, while 36 percent of Trump supporters said the same.

She also boosted the number of Americans who believe her policies are a shift in the right direction — 43 percent felt that way before the Democratic convention, while 48 believe so now.

While Trump briefly led Clinton in RealClearPolitics’s averages of both the one-on-one and four-way races in the aftermath of the Republican National Convention, Clinton has retaken the lead after her convention.

The findings of the CNN poll would keep Johnson and Stein on the outside looking in at this fall’s debates.

Third-party candidates must get 15 percent of the vote to make the presidential debate stage.

Johnson took 9 percent in the new CNN poll, while Stein secured 5 percent.