Presidential races

Trump vows to be ‘very restrained’ with Twitter as president

Donald Trump has vowed to use more restraint with his Twitter account once he’s president.

In a “60 Minutes” interview set to air on Sunday, interviewer Lesley Stahl asked Trump if he was “going to be tweeting — whatever you’re upset about, just put out there when you’re president.”

{mosads}Trump touted the millions of followers on his social media account and called it his “method of fighting back that’s very tough.” 

“But you’re going to do that as president?” Stahl questioned. 

“I’m going to do very restrained. If I use it at all, I’m going to be very restrained,” Trump responded.

“It’s a modern form of communication. There should be nothing we should be ashamed of. It’s where it’s at.”

Trump has already been active on his account after becoming president-elect. He tweeted on Thursday night, calling protests in major cities across the country following the election “very unfair.” 

The next day, he changed his tune, praising the demonstrators for their “passion for our great country.” 

Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential nominee, argued that Trump’s erratic behavior on Twitter was evidence of why the businessman was unfit to be president. 

“A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his hands anywhere near the nuclear codes,” Clinton said, a line she repeated during presidential debates and campaign rallies. 

President Obama also reiterated the idea, mocking a report a week before the presidential election that Trump’s campaign had revoked access to his Twitter account.

“Over the weekend, his campaign took away his Twitter account,” Obama said during a rally in Michigan. “Now, if your closest advisers don’t trust you to tweet, then how can we trust him with the nuclear codes?”

But during the “60 minutes” interview, Trump cited his use of the social media platform as a reason for he was so effective in delivering his message throughout his campaign.  

“I really believe that the fact that I have such power in terms of numbers with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., I think it helped me win all of these races where they’re spending much more money than I spent. And I won,” he said.

“I think that social media has more power than the money they spent, and I think maybe to a certain extent, I proved that.”