Conservative group mocks rocky ObamaCare site rollout in new ads

YG Network, a conservative advocacy group with ties to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.), is out with another round of Web ads parodying the company behind the ObamaCare website, as Republicans dig into Democrats for the site’s glitchy rollout.

The ads were filmed in an improvisational style and feature staffers at an imaginary tech company that built the exchange websites.

One shows an older woman, “Marge,” who enjoys cat photos and online social games, ineptly leading a charge of younger programmers in their work at the company; another shows the company’s boss warning a younger staffer that “after the $600 million we spent on [the website], they’re probably gonna fire you if we don’t get it right.”

The staffer then nervously takes a swig from a flask as an Obama bobble-head figure watches over his shoulder.

The ads urge viewers to fax Obama to tell him to delay the health care law.

It’s the second round of ads highlighting the disastrous website rollout. The first ad shows a young programmer frustrated with the 1980s-era computer and floppy disks he’s given to work on the site.

YG Network is targeting young voters with its advertisements, running them on Xbox, as YouTube pre-roll, promoted posts on Facebook and Twitter and on youth-targeted websites.

Tags Affordable Care Act Eric Cantor

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