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Obama: ‘Every girl deserves an education’

President Obama on Saturday charged the world’s nations with educating more of their girls in schools.
“In too many parts of the world, girls are still valued more for their bodies than their minds,” Obama said in his weekly address Saturday. “That’s just plain wrong. And we all have to do more to stop it.”
{mosads}The president’s remarks follow Tuesday’s announcement of the “Let Girls Learn” program. The new initiative aims at expanding education opportunities for girls worldwide.
“Let Girls Learn” plans on providing training for new Peace Corps workers. After their coaching, volunteers are placed in one of 11 countries: Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Georgia, Ghana, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Togo or Uganda.
Obama said Saturday that 62 million girls worldwide lack access to schooling. The president and first lady Michelle Obama hope “Let Girls Learn” will lower that statistic by educating more young women.
“It’s a privilege to be the parent of girls,” Obama said. “And we want to make sure that no girl out there is denied her chance to learn — that no girl is prevented from making her unique contributions to the world. Because every girl — every girl — deserves our respect. And every girl deserves an education.”
Obama cited cost, social norms and the threat of violence as barriers to female education worldwide. The president said providing schooling would create a better world over time.
“When girls are educated, their future children are healthier and better nourished,” Obama said. “Their future wages increase, which in turn strengthens their families’ security. National growth gets a boost, too. And places where women and girls are treated as full and equal citizens tend to be more stable and more democratic.”
The president said “Let Girls Learn” was “close to his heart” because of his two daughters, Sasha and Malia.
“And I know that there are lots of girls just like Malia and Sasha out there — girls who are funny and caring and inquisitive and strong, and have so much to offer the world,” he added.
The first lady will visit Cambodia and Japan on March 18-22 to promote the new initiative.