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Sanders camp on fight over who’s ‘qualified’: She started it

Thursday’s quarrel between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about who is most qualified for the presidency has some asking who dealt the first blow.  

{mosads}The Sanders campaign alleged Clinton did when she refused to answer a question in a series of interviews Wednesday about whether the Vermont senator is qualified to be president.

“I went to law school a long time ago, and I think Secretary Clinton learned the same thing that I did in law school, which is how to answer the question without saying the words,” said Tad Devine, senior adviser to the Sanders campaign, on MSNBC Thursday. “She’s very good at it.”

“Hillary Clinton yesterday had three opportunities to answer a simple question,” he said. “She refused to do it three times.”

Sanders late Wednesday told a crowd in Philadelphia that Clinton called him unqualified.

“She has been saying lately that she thinks I am quote, unquote, not qualified to be president,” Sanders said at Temple University before going on to say donations her campaign as received from Wall Street interests and super-PACs makes her unqualified.

But the Clinton campaign maintains the former secretary of state never called Sanders “unqualified”.

Instead, she pointed to Sanders’s remarks in a New York Daily News interview, saying it “raised a lot of really serious questions” about the Independent senator’s qualifications on several issues, namely going after “big banks.”  

“I think he hadn’t done his homework,” she said.