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House Dems demand Trump fire top aide Gorka

Dozens of House Democrats have sent a letter to President Trump demanding the immediate removal of one of his top national security aides, Sebastian Gorka, over alleged ties to white nationalists in Hungary.

Democrats accuse Gorka of being a founding member of the New Democratic Coalition, which they describe as anti-Semitic. The letter also accuses Gorka of membership in the Hungarian Guard, which the letter says refers to Jews as “Zionist rats” and “locusts.”

“Based on recent revelations of Mr. Gorka’s support for and membership in several anti-Semitic and racist groups in Hungary, he is clearly unfit to serve in any position of responsibility in your Administration,” the letter reads. Its signers include Democratic Reps. Sandy Levin (Mich.), the most senior Jewish member of the House, and Keith Ellison (Minn.), the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee.


Gorka has previously come under fire from Democrats after a report in The Forward linked him to another Hungarian far-right group, Vitézi Rend. The letter mentions Gorka’s membership in the group as a secondary reason why Gorka should be removed.

The letter asks Trump to fire Gorka immediately, and “to make clear you condemn all forms of anti-Semitism and intolerance.” 

Gorka’s time at the White House, however, might already be limited. A White House official told The Hill last week that the deputy assistant to Trump could be leaving the administration as soon as “this summer.”


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