
Palin, Dem lawmaker spar over response to Texas shooting

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin are attempting to shame each other on Twitter over Lieu’s response to the deadly mass shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. 

Palin, a longtime critic of restrictions on guns, called Lieu a “disgrace” and said Tuesday he should be “ashamed of himself” for walking out of a moment of silence for the victims during Monday’s House session.

“I can’t do this again; I’ve been to too many moments of silences,” Lieu said in a video he posted on Facebook after the walkout. “In just my short period in Congress, three of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history have occurred. I will not be silent.”

Lieu hit back at Palin, calling her out for resigning as Alaska’s governor in 2009.

Lieu followed up on the video with a tweet extending his condolences to the 26 victims of the Texas shooting, slamming the National Rifle Association and calling on Democrats to win back the House of Representatives, which could potentially ease the passage of new gun legislation.