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Poll: Trump’s job performance rating drops

President Trump’s approval rating has dropped to its lowest level in months, according to a poll released Tuesday. 

Public Policy Polling found Trump has an approval rating of 39 percent, while 54 percent of voters disapprove of his job performance. The approval number is one of Trump’s lowest since taking office, the left-leaning firm noted. 

Forty-four percent of respondents approved of the president’s job performance last month, one of his highest ratings.

A majority of voters disapproved of Trump’s handling of various issues in the latest poll. For example, 52 percent said they believe the president is a liar, 57 percent want to see his tax returns and 54 percent said Trump has not delivered on his promise to “Make America Great Again.”

Public Policy Polling’s results were released a day after a CNN poll found Trump received his highest approval rating in nearly a year. Forty-two percent of voters gave Trump positive marks in that poll.

The latest poll numbers come amid a string of personnel changes in Trump’s Cabinet. Gary Cohn, Trump’s top economic adviser, resigned earlier this month, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was forced out a short time later. Trump has since announced national security adviser H.R. McMaster is leaving early next month, and Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is reportedly set to be the next to go.

{mosads}Public Policy Polling also found Trump trailed nearly every hypothetical 2020 opponent, including former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.). 

Stephanie Clifford, who acts in porn films under the name Stormy Daniels and has alleged an affair with the president ten years ago, topped Trump by 1 point, 42-41, in a hypothetical 2020 election match-up. When asked the same question using the “Daniels” name, respondents picked Trump, 41 to 32 percent, however, according to the poll. 

Trump has been the subject of recent claims he had multiple extramarital affairs around 2006.

Daniels detailed her alleged affair with Trump during an interview that aired Sunday on “60 Minutes,” while former Playboy model Karen McDougal shared her story late last week on CNN.

The White House has denied the women’s claims.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 846 voters from March 23-25. Its findings have a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.