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Dershowitz: ‘There should be consequences’ if third Kavanaugh accuser perjured herself

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz on Sunday said that the FBI should investigate the allegations Julie Swetnick made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Swetnick has alleged in a signed declaration that Kavanaugh participated with a group of boys that intoxicated women so they could be “gang raped.”

{mosads}Dershowitz said that Swetnick’s allegations should “thoroughly be investigated” and says if she is found to have committed perjury, “there should be consequences.”

“Swetnick affidavit should be thoroughly investigated by the fbi and her alleged witnesses named and questioned. If perjured, there should be consequences,” Dershowitz tweeted.

Dershowitz, who is a contributor for The Hill and who regularly defends President Trump during cable news appearances, appeared to be responding to reports that the FBI investigation into sexual misconduct claims against Kavanaugh was being limited and did not include Swetnick’s allegations.

Michael Avenatti, who is representing Swetnick, responded directly to Dershowitz to express confidence in his client.

“When the statements are proven true, Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others should be criminally prosecuted. And the Senators that called my client a liar should resign their seats. Do you agree?” tweeted Avenatti, who also represents adult-film star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against Trump and has expressed a desire to run for president.

NBC News reported Saturday that the White House counsel’s office gave the FBI approval to review sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh made by Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, but it was not permitted to look into claims from Swetnick.

Kavanaugh, who has fiercely denied all the allegations against him, has dismissed Swetnick’s allegations as a “farce,” while Trump has attacked Avenatti as a “lowlife.”

Trump pushed back on the NBC report, saying he wants the FBI to speak with whomever they deem appropriate in its investigation into claims against Kavanaugh.

Democrats on Sunday talk shows questioned whether the White House had its hand in controlling the FBI investigation into allegations against Kavanaugh, a suggestion that the White House has refuted.