Day's End Round-Up


Contested Primaries Help, Not Hurt, Dems – C. Bowers, OpenLeft
Pawlenty: Tax Hike Will Get Vetoed – E. Morrissey, HotAir
What Makes Obama Tick? – J. Marshall, TPM
Maybe There’s Hope – M. Ledeen, The Corner
Gore Appeals to House on Climate Change Bill – B. Mock, TAPPED
Republicans Lose in New York – J. Bandes, Townhall
The Wildly Popular First Lady – J. Singer, MyDD
Al Gore, You’ve Truly Outdone Yourself – N. Loris, The Foundry
Tedisco Concedes, Steele Sweats? – S. Benen, Political Animal
Gitmo Diplomacy Trumps Security? – T. Joscelyn, Weekly Standard
Pass Health Reform by Oct. 15, Or Else Ezra Klein
Stop Making Martyrs Julian Sanchez
Cheney Cherry Picks Intelligence – Emptywheel, Firedoglake
Obama and Independents Andrew Sullivan
De-Stressing Megan McArdle

Murphy Wins N.Y. House Race The Hill
Obama Avoids ‘Genocide’ Term, Sparks Debate The Hill
U.S. May Expand Military Role In Mexico Drug WarWaPo
Dems Budget Deal Sets Up Fight on Health PlanNYTimes

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