Day's End Round-Up


This should be fun – Equity Private, Dealbreaker
Cap-and-trade would hit low income families – M. Lewis, Townhall
We’ll always have Paris – Seyward Darby, The Plank
Roubini calls out the market’s success – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Into the dark – Josh Marshall, TalkingPointsMemo
MN AG accused of fraud, politicization – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
How big is a budget number?Megan McArdle
Harman: Civil liberties extremist – Glenn Greenwald, Salon
Ruth Marcus on Sarah Palin – Ramesh Ponnuru, The Corner
Bigger gov’t = more corruptionMichelle Malkin
Harman, wiretaps, and torture – mcjoan, Daily Kos
The scourge of Scandinavia – Mark McKinnon, Big Hollywood
Our enemy, Argentina?Matthew Yglesias
Time to discuss cap-and-trade – Nick Loris, The Foundry
President Obama vs. Denis Blair – Big Tent Democrat, TalkLeft

Feinstein backs Harman, wiretap releaseThe Hill
Credit markets still tight, Geithner saysNew York Times
Gov’t considers dropping AIPAC lobbyist chargesWashington Post
Justices hear school strip search caseWashington Post

Tags Americablog Conservatism in the United States Glenn Greenwald Heritage Foundation Matthew Yglesias McArdle Megan McArdle Michelle Malkin Nationality Political blogs Ramesh Ponnuru United States

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