Midday Blog Roundup


Ugh: Pawlenty studying mileage taxMichelle Malkin
Lewis: TARP firms owe back taxes – Mike Lillis, Wash. Independent
Report: Citi to spend $10M on new office – Z. Roth, TPMMuckraker
Cantor won’t say how he’ll vote – Matt Corley, Think Progress
Obama’s first signing statementMatthew Yglesias
Bayh and the Blue Dogs – Steve Benen, Political Animal
The unconstitutional AIG bonus tax – J. Hawkins, Right Wing News
This oughtta help the GOP – Jonathan Singer, MyDD
Boehner: ‘There was no deregulation’ – Jed Lewison, Daily Kos
Obama won’t charge vets for costs – Jillian Bandes, Townhall
Obama’s teleprompter tape matters – John Romano, Big Hollywood
Sanity prevails – J.G. Thayer, contentions
Kanjorski captures the public mood – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Global warming trade wars – Ronald Bailey, Hit & Run
Hooray for us! – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones

Sen. Burris tries to open legal defense fundThe Hill
U.S. to aid auto industry with $5 billion for suppliersNew York Times
House to consider tax on AIG bonusesWashington Post