Midday Blog Roundup


Try flying coach, madame – Jennifer Rubin, contentions
Greenspan agonistes – Duncan Currie, The Corner
Congressional approval hits a high – Joe Sudbay, AMERICAblog
Put a sock in it, Mr. Mitchell – John Cole, Balloon Juice
Politico hearts the GOP business lobby – Clay Risen, The Plank
The coming Obama judiciary – Jonathan Singer, MyDD
Move over, Joe Lieberman – Jed Lewison, Daily Kos
Card check’s hidden danger – Melissa Clouthier, Right Wing News
Scholarships for Gaza, but not DC – Mary K. Ham, Weekly Standard
Dems starting to panic about =economy – B. Faughnan, RedState
The evolution of Alan Greenspan – Conor Clarke, Brave New Deal
How Obama controls the Dow – tremayne, Open Left
The ‘no confidence’ effort – B. Armbruster, Think Progress
Pelosi: The J-Lo of congressional travelersMichelle Malkin
Wrong-direction numbers in NY-20 – Jim Geraghty, Campaign Spot

Toomey says official decision ‘very soon’The Hill
Obama introduces new earmark guidelinesWashington Post
Gingrich: Healthcare reform should begin with behaviorDetroit Free Press
Geithner: Toxic asset plan close to being finishedReuters