Midday Blog Roundup


A Massive Ideological Shift Has Happened – C. Bowers, Open Left
Chas of Arabia – M. Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
On the Republicans – Big Tent Democrat, TalkLeft
Jindal’s FatuousnessAndrew Sullivan
DC StatehoodMatthew Yglesias
Ten Thoughts on the Speech – D. McLaughlin, RedState
Economists Lurve EFCA – T. Fernholz, Tapped
Where is Obama Taking the Economy? – G.M. Turner, The Corner
Coleman vs. ColemanKevin Drum
Let the Americans People Recover – C. Carroll, The Foundry
Bobby, We Hardly Knew Ye – TBogg, Firedoglake
Carbon Trading Markets Collapse – E. Morrissey, HotAir
Making the Case for Government – S. Benen, Political Animal
Snap Judgments Ross Douthat
Obama’s State of the UnionClive Crook

Stimulus Site Getting 3,000 Hits Per SecondThe Hill
Obama Nominates Gary Locke for CommerceThe Hill
Renters Lose Edge On Homeowners Wall Street Journal
Biden Takes to Airwaves To Defend StimulusWashington Post

Tags Bowers British people Crook Firedoglake Genealogy Goldfarb HOTAIR Matthew Yglesias Morrissey Politics Publishing RedState Ross Douthat

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