Midday Blog Roundup


How to oppose Sotomayor – Rich Lowry, The Corner
Sotomayor’s critics needs some self-analysis – M. Cottle, The Plank
Sotomayor on felon voting – H. Von Spakovsky, The Foundry
Don’t worry about inflationEzra Klein
Clarify the “wise Latina” statement – Jazz Shaw, Moderate Voice
Court Jester, or Judge as King? – Garrett Murch, Townhall
Jealousy is so unattractive – Steve Benen, Political Animal
Obama’s security police Michelle Malkin
Sotomayor sparks intra-GOP conflagration – Eric Kleefield, TPM
Mancow waterboarding faked – Therightscoop, Red State
Obama gets Sotomayor bump – Chris Bowers, Open Left
Is someone pressuring the Justice Dept? – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
O’Connor, race and experience – Greg Sargent, Plum Line
Those racist RepublicansAndrew Sullivan

MoveOn targets Dems on healthcareThe Hill
Feds subpoena Rep. Visclosky’s officesThe Hill
Gates reassures allies over North KoreaNY Times
GOP tries to tone down criticism of Sotomayor WaPo

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