Midday Blog Roundup


Is Now the Time To Regulate? Matthew Yglesias
‘Redefinition Accomplished’ – M. Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
Israel’s Election System is No Good Hendrik Hertzberg
Bozo the VP Strikes AgainMichelle Malkin
Cantor Says Dems are ‘Overreacting’ – J. Sudbay, AMERICAblog
NY-20 Less Important Now? – M. Lewis, Townhall
Curtains for Dodd? – J. Zengerle, The Plank
The End of Conservatism? – T. Thurman, The Foundry
Loon Freakout over iPod – J. Lewison, DailyKos
Obama Learns a Foreign World – J. Emanuel, RedState
Imaginary Etiquette – Atrios, Eschaton
The Pursuit of Meaning – J. Goldberg, The Corner
GOP Just Lost Debate on Economy – S. Benen, Political Animal
Obamateurism of the Day – E. Morrissey, HotAir
Why Did So Many UAW Workers Stay? Megan McArdle

Specter Already Hitting Toomey in Cable AdsThe Hill
Poll: Dodd Trails Possible GOP ChallengersThe Hill
Leaders Pledge to Inject $1T Into Economy Washington Post
Stimulus Stance Isolates Sanford Wall Street Journal

Tags Americablog Atrios Daily Kos Goldfarb Hertzberg HOTAIR Jewish surnames Matthew Yglesias Morrissey Political blogs Politics Townhall.com

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