Midday Blog Roundup


Stop Namecalling, You Idiots – C. Orr, The Plank
Ignore Those Pickens Ads – J. Taylor, The Corner
How Important is NY-20? – T. Fernholz, Tapped
New Fusionism – J. Manzi, American Scene
Armchair Revolutionaries – Atrios, Eschaton
Corruptocrat Skates Michelle Malkin
Getting Worse – J. Cole, Balloon Juice
Know Nothings on the March – John, Powerline
Budget Perfect for April Fools’ Day – S. Benen, Political Animal
Israel Warms Up for Iran – J. Noonan, Weekly Standard
How to Make the Golden State Shine Again Ezra Klein
Obama Orders GM out of NASCAR – J. Painter, RedState
Even Fellow Wingers are Ripping on Palin – M. Cottle, The Plank
Battle of the Budgets – Michele Bachmann, Townhall
Unions Are Easy Mickey Kaus

Murkowski: Gov’t. Ruined Stevens’s Career The Hill
Obama’s Volunteers Push Budget on the HillThe Hill
Obama, Medvedev Launch Nuclear TalksWashington Post
Obama, Brown Urge United Economic Action New York Times

Tags Activism Atrios Bachmann KAUS Michele Michele Bachmann Michele Bachmann Orr Plank Political blogs Politics Townhall.com

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