Morning Read


Will cons regret NYT’s struggles? – W.T. Huston, Newsbusters
Challenge, with civility – Peter Wehner, contentions]
The kinder, gentler IMF – Dani Rodrik, TPMCafe
Abbas comes to Washington – Eric Alterman, The Daily Beast
Memo to Wall Street whiners – desmoinesdem, MyDD
Uninsured cost insured – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
The Sotomayor bubble – P.M. Carpenter, BuzzFlash
Be just like me: I’m like everyone else – Tim Cavanaugh, Hit & Run
Official: Kasich running for gov. – Steve Foley, The Minority Report
Berkowitz gearing up Palin challenge – James L., Swing State Project
Propaganda disconnect – Michael Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
Regulatory reform – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
Climate accord excludes big polluters – W. Teach, Right Wing News
Recommended reading – Anne Laurie, Balloon Juice
Will this man save the Ohio GOP? – Joel Mowbray, Powerline

Obama in L.A.: ‘Confident,’ but not yet ‘content’The Hill
Sotomayor held ground in previous hearingsWashington Post
Queen Elizabeth fuming over D-Day snubNew York Times
Burris says fundraising offer was a ployChicago Tribune