Morning Read


Andrew Sullivan’s doomsday – Mickey Kaus, Kausfiles
Enhanced ticking time-bomb – Attaturk, Firedoglake
AP reads Cheney’s mind – Warner Todd Huston, Red State
Misusing the UK healthcare example – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Prehistoric porn Instapundit
Entitlement problem solved! Andrew Sullivan
Administration warns Israel – Charles Lemos, MyDD
Republicans propose carbon tax – Andy McCarthy, The Corner
NPR’s infuriating Elizabeth Warren interview – Ethan Brown, TalkLeft
The GOP: It’s Alive! – John, Power Line
Senate rejects credit card legislation – NABNYC, Open Left
Fact-checking the stimulus claims – Steve Foley, Minority Report
Communized Medicine – Jonathan Cohn, The Treatment
Pelosi’s quagmire – Michael Goldfarb, Weekly Standard
RINOs and the 1994 election – Patrick Edaburn, Moderate Voice
On refugees – Hilzoy, Political Animal

Little oversight of AIG before bailoutThe Hill
GOP uses gas prices against climate billThe Hill
Dems voice national security concerns NY Times
Cheney seizes spotlight; GOP wincesWaPo

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