Morning Read


A model debate – Kathryn Jean Lopez, The Corner
Embassy hold gay pride event in Iraq – K. Cavers, Right Wing News
WSJ joins recovery optimism drive – Dean Baker, Beat the Press
Bush comes out of hiding – Matthew Yglesias, The Daily Beast
What does Bernanke think about the crisis?Ezra Klein
Don’t quit your day job – John J. Miller, The Corner
One might say shrill – Josh Marshall, TalkingPointsMemo
Undercover of the night – DougJ, Balloon Juice
Federally-regulated garage sales – Warner Todd Huston, RedState
Rubber-stamped, without elaboration – John Hanlon, Townhall
FBI taking larger role in war on terror – Charles Lemos, MyDD
Fed taps contractors w/ conflicts of interest – E. Schor, Wash. Inde.
Regulating derivatives – Kevin Drum, Mother Jones
O’Reilly apologizes to Hot Air, sort of – Allahpundit, Hot Air
Too ordinary to filibuster – gamecock, The Minority Report

Obama chides Israel on settlementsThe Hill
Pentagon plans arm to wage cyberspace warNew York Times
Abortion rights backers assured on nominee Washington Post
Child execution debate roils IranWall Street Journal

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