Morning Read


Do we need hate crimes legislation?Andrew Sullivan
Pelosi, Graham and the CIA’s lies – mcjoan, Daily Kos
The over-under on Pelosi – John, Power Line
End the war on drugsD – Jeralyn, Talk Left
Should Miss California host Fox and Friends? – Allahpundit, Hot Air
Don’t be fooled by Obama’s Egypt speech – W. Kern, Moderate Voice
Stimulus bill igniting trade war? Instapundit
Gitmo a desperate issue for GOP – Joe Sudbay, AMERICAblog
Dept. of Bad Comparison – Peter Suderman, American Scene
Neocons gone wild – Josh Marshall, TPM
Time Magazine gets hoaxed – W.T. Huston, Red State
Charles Krauthammer, moral monster – Attaturk, Firedoglake
Will Crist keep his tax pledge? – David Freddoso, The Corner
The Cheney media blitz you missed – Andy Borowitz, Daily Beast
Why won’t Perry rule out secession? Think Progress

Storm center over Pelosi The Hill
Message over substances on helthcareThe Hill
Mexican data says migration to U.S. plummetingNY Times
Robert Gates’s single-minded focusWaPo

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