Morning Read


Don’t count on Nelson for healthcare – Jonathan Cohn, The Treatment
A perfect mess – Jennifer Rubin, Contentions
The greenest Republicans – Dennis Sanders, Moderate Voice
The Junta Party – Josh Marshall, TPM
The Left’s Privilege of Language – Tim Slagle, Big Hollywood
Hillary joins the Cheney fun – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Politifact’s commitment to truth – John McCormack, Weekly Standard
Learned helplessness – Hilzoy, Washington Monthly
Unemployment, unionization and taxes – Jillian Bandes, Townhall
NYT uses tragedy to editorialize for rich – D. Baker, Beat the Press
Tiny example of government waste – W.T. Huston, RedState
Unions take to the airwaves – Greg Sargent, Plum Line
Maddow’s ratings tumbleNewsbusters
Negotiating with ‘pirates’ – Kevin Drum, MoJo
More speech stifling at UNC Michelle Malkin

The Harman plot thickensThe Hill
Will Obey roll Inouye?The Hill
Bottom line: did interrogations stop attacks?NY Times
Congress debates torture probeWashington Post

Tags Americablog Commentators Conservatism in the United States Entertainment Jennifer Rubin Jonathan Cohn Josh Marshall Malkin Michelle Malkin Political blogs Politics of the United States RedState

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