Morning Read


The Problem is Pakistan – C. Lemos, MyDD
Go-Go Bo-Bama – J. Bandes, Townhall
Franken Wins Again Matthew Yglesias
The Sophistry of Lefty Rhetoric on Taxes – S. Dayton, RedState
Gingrich Should Have Held His Tongue – J. Lewison, DailyKos
Is More Gov’t. The Right Rx? – J. Fodeman, The Foundry
The Bush Six to be Indicted – S. Horton, Daily Beast
72% Say Obama Won’t Make U.S. Less Safe – Allahpundit, HotAir
Here’s a Switch – A. Huffington, Huffington Post
World’s Worst Columnist? – John, Powerline
The Tyranny of the Income Tax Ezra Klein
HuffPo Defends Pro-Pirate Position – J. McCormack, Weekly Standard
Amazing Numbers – C. Bowers, OpenLeft
$8 Million Radar to Nowhere Michelle Malkin
Coleman’s Appeal Kevin Drum

Pakistan Warns Kerry Not to Attach Strings to Aid The Hill
Coleman Loses; Case set for Minnesota Supreme CourtThe Hill
N. Korea Says It Will Boycott Nuclear Talks Washington Post
Pakistani Peace Deal Gives Taliban New Clout Wall Street Journal

Tags Allahpundit Bowers Candidate Position Daily Kos HOTAIR Mass media Michelle Malkin MyDD OpenLeft Political blogs Politics The Huffington Post World Wide Web

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