Morning Read


Pragmatic health care reform – P. Edaburn, Moderate Voice
Obama’s rating success – Jonathan Singer, MyDD
The Heresies of Freeman Dyson – Ross Douthat, The Atlantic
Regulation redux – Kevin Drum, MoJo
EPA nominee backs out – Moe Lane, RedState
Tipping back the judicial scales – Steve Benen, Political Animal
Financial Times’ bad reportingInstapundit
Latest Repub. who wants Obama to fail – Watertiger, Firedoglake
Keep Tim Geithner quiet! – Mark Steyn, The Corner
Texas reaches back to dark ages – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Fact-checking Obama – Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic
In defense of Wall Street bankers – Nate Silver, FiveThirtyEight
GOP keeps picking losing battle – John Cole, Balloon Juice
Barton’s global warming fix: shade – Satyam Khanna, Think Progress
Ready for President Steele? – Allahpundit, Hot Air

House budget advances on party line voteThe Hill
U.S. to detail global finance plan NY Times
Clinton: U.S. drug policies failedWashington Post
Liberals urge defense spending cutThe Hill

Tags Allahpundit Americablog FiveThirtyEight Hot Air Instapundit Marc Ambinder MyDD Political blogs Politics of the United States RedState United States World Wide Web

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