Morning Read


Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin latest interview shows that she’s already looking ahead to 2012, according to the media and liberal bloggers. Palin’s public ambition is also a sign that the Republican campaign is falling apart, the liberal bloggers write. But her words have been misinterpreted by the media, according to Palin’s campaign and conservative bloggers. Barack Obama’s 30-minute commercial Wednesday night failed to impress his critics online.

Palin responded to a question from ABC News about 2012 by saying that she’s “not doing this for naught.” Palin’s remarks about the next presidential race and the robo calls that John McCain’s campaign is making in his home state of Arizona show that Palin and McCain are desperate, writes DailyKos’s SusanG. The McCain campaign has clearly lost control of its message, as Palin’s statement isn’t the first instance of her “going rogue,”writes MyDD’s Todd Beeton.

But Palin aide Tucker Eskew slammed the press for distorting her remarks, which he said were about the current campaign, according to The Trail’s Juliet Eilperin. Palin’s statement was one of defiance over the current race, writes Hot Air’s Allahpundit. Palin sounded like she’s talking more about her general role in Republican politics instead of a specific presidential bid in 2012, writes Townhall’s Matt Lewis.

The 30-minute “Obamercial” didn’t work since it exploited the middle-class voters it showcased and unfairly blamed their problems on government policies instead of the unions that helped cause them, writes The Corner’s Mark Hemingway. The ad’s portrayal of the country as a “hellhole” didn’t mesh with World Series game that followed it, writes The Corner’s Mark Steyn.

McCain Robocalls Ariz., Palin Looks to 2012 – SusanG, Daily Kos
Shocker! Palin Looking to 2012 – Todd Beeton, MyDD
The Mandatory Rejection of Palin – Bob Cesca, Huffington Post
Eskew Blasts Press Coverage – Juliet Eilperin, The Trail
Palin Talks 2012? – Matt Lewis,
Statement of Defiance, Not Ambition – Allahpundit, Hot Air
A Very Special Obama – Mark Hemingway, The Corner
Obama Lack-Of-Variety Show – Mark Steyn, The Corner
Dear Leader’s InfomercialMichelle Malkin

Obama’s Primetime Ad Demonstrates Money AdvantageBloomberg
In Ohio, Wary Eyes on Election ProcessWashington Post
The Decided Go In Droves to Vote EarlyNew York Times
Red States, Not McCain, In Obama’s Last PitchThe Hill