Morning Read


The distorting effects of anonymityGlenn Greenwald
Grim choices await Madoff today – Jeralyn, TalkLeft
Young Miss Palin – Lisa Schiffren, The Corner
Brits can’t even get Obama on the phone – W.T. Huston, RedState
Democracy, shemocracy – J.G. Thayer, contentions
Janitors paying the same taxes as billionaires? – D. Sirota, Open Left
Dear GOP: Your toe tags are ready – P.M. Carpenter, BuzzFlash
The NYT’s new math on investing – Dean Baker, Beat the Press
Understanding Dennis Blair – Paul, Powerline
NYT hires ‘conservative,’ then hedges – Tim Graham, Newsbusters
South Park goes where SNL refuses – A. Marlow, Big Hollywood
Paulson-lite defends Wall St. – Chris in Paris, AMERICAblog
Tim Johnson against card check? – Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
Fleischer defends W. on Hardball – Greg Hengler, Townhall
All she wrote? – Josh Marshall, TalkingPointsMemo

Obama honeymoon fadesThe Hill
President’s earmark plan fails to sway criticsThe Hill
As cities go from two papers to one, talk of noneNew York Times
Freeman blames ‘Israel lobby’ for withdrawalWashington Post

Tags Americablog Carpenter Glenn Greenwald Hot Air Mass media OpenLeft Political blogs Politics RedState Sirota Tim Johnson

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