News/Lawmaker News/Energy & Environment

Sierra Club sends ‘Pruitt Survival Kit’ to senators ahead of hearing


The Sierra Club is warning senators against confirming Donald Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, by sending them “Pruitt Survival Kits” ahead of his confirmation hearing.

The “survival kit” includes a bottle of fresh water and a face mask — a way of suggesting Pruitt would damage water and air quality. 

The kit also includes a letter to senators explaining why they should reject Pruitt.

“Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency, has built a record of consistently supporting polluters over the health and safety of American families,” the letter reads. “Now it is time for all Senators to show their priorities. Pruitt is unfit to be EPA administrator, poses a danger to the air and water of all Americans, and must be rejected by the Senate for the good of our communities and our nation.”

{mosads}The group has been outspoken against Pruitt, citing his skepticism of climate change and ties to the fossil fuel industry.

Other environmental groups have also cited similar criticisms and concerns with the Oklahoma attorney general.

A Senate hearing on Pruitt’s appointment is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Wednesday.


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