
Confidence in Congress lowest in Fox poll

Only 39 percent of registered voters have any confidence in Congress, the lowest rating among all institutions tested in a new Fox News poll

The poll released Tuesday finds just 5 percent of people have “a great deal” of confidence in Congress, while another 34 percent have some confidence in the institution. 

{mosads}Another 61 percent lack any confidence at all in Congress. 

It is no surprise Congress ranks lowest on the list. The body’s approval rating has hung in the low teens for the last few years. Last month, Gallup found 13-percent approval, up from an all-time low of 9 percent shortly after the government shutdown last October. 

Media organizations are the only others that lack confidence from a majority of voters. Only 42 percent said they had at least some confidence in the media. 

The ratings of the Internal Revenue Service (51 percent), the presidency (52 percent) and large corporations (53 percent) are nearly identical, with just over majority support. 

A total of 39 percent of independents say they have confidence in the White House, while 83 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of Republicans feel the same. 

All those numbers have dropped dramatically since 2003, when Fox New last polled the question and the president’s numbers continued to remain high after 9/11.

The military holds confidence with 93 percent of voters, higher than all other institutions. The FBI ranks second with 74 percent confidence, followed by the Supreme Court (69 percent) and the CIA (64 percent).

The poll surveyed 1,006 registered voters Feb. 9-11 and has a 3-percentage point margin of error.