
Portman: Obama budget ‘same old story’

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) said President Obama’s $3.9 trillion budget blueprint for 2015 is “the same old story” the president has offered in previous fiscal battles with Republicans.  

Delivering the weekly GOP address, Portman said Obama’s proposal ignores “record levels of debt” and increases taxes.  

{mosads}“The President’s budget this week asked for hundreds of billions in new government spending and over a trillion in new taxes,” Portman said. “It’s the same old story. Washington has tried more taxing, even more spending and an unprecedented amount of borrowing – and yet here we are.” 

Portman said Republicans in the Senate were offering a seven-step program “to get America moving again” to counter Obama’s proposal. 

Included in the GOP proposal is eliminating ObamaCare, reforming the federal tax code, passing new international trade agreements and approving the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline, the Ohio senator said. 

“Some say this is just the new normal and we need to get used to it: fewer people working, smaller middle-class paychecks, bigger government, never-ending deficits and record debt piled on our kids and grandkids,” Portman said of the U.S. economy, under Obama’s leadership. 

“I say that’s wrong,” Portman continued. “That our best days should be ahead of us. We know we can do better, and it starts by putting our trust back in the American people. That’s what’s at the heart of Jobs for America, a seven point plan put forward by Senate Republicans to bring back opportunity, spark an economic recovery and restore to every American a shot at the American Dream. It starts by getting government out of the way where we need to, whether it’s healthcare, regulations, or taxation.” 

Portman said the GOP’s recommendations were “seven commonsense proposals with bipartisan roots that we all know can help get our country moving again. 

“We just have to reapply some of the principles that have made America that beacon of hope and opportunity for the rest of the world,” he continued. 

Portman closed by quoting former President John F. Kennedy. 

“‘A rising tide lifts all boats,’ said John F. Kennedy,” the Ohio senator said.” Let’s enact these reforms. If we do, we’ll see unemployment rates drop, we’ll see incomes rise and we’ll see the gap between the rich and the poor close, not because we are bringing people down but because we are bringing people up.”