
Gingrich: Pelosi should step down or be replaced

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s (R-Ga.) ubiquity reminds me of that famous Saturday Night Live Blue Oyster Cult skit. Someone out there in the GOP seems to be saying, “I need more Gingrich!”

Gingrich, having debuted his column in the Washington Examiner last week and, as usual, making the rounds of the talk shows, is up Wednesday with a “letter” on the Human Events website.

And this one is undoubtedly designed to make waves as he argues that Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) should step down, something he knows something about.

Gingrich’s argument boils down to a few points, mainly focusing on national security and his claim that Pelosi has made the country less safe by questioning the CIA. Pelosi said last week that the CIA misled her about the use of waterboarding in a 2002 briefing.

“The person who is No. 2 in line to be commander in chief can’t have contempt for the men and women who protect our nation,” he writes. “The controversy swirling around Speaker Pelosi isn’t political – she may think it is, other liberal Democrats may think it is, and the media may want it to appear that way. But this isn’t about politics. It’s about national security.”

He concludes by stating that Democrats “owe it to their country and our national security to replace Nancy Pelosi.”