
Capt. Phillips to testify

Captain Richard Phillips, who was held hostage at sea by Somali pirates, will testify in Congress tomorrow.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is holding a hearing on the growing piracy threat, and Phillips will testify alongside John Clancey, Chairman of Maerski Inc. Maersk owned the ship on which Phillips and his crew were attacked.

The hearing, titled “Confronting Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia,” will examine ways for U.S. governments, foreign governments, and shippers to address the problem.

“Almost every day brings news of yet another attack on a cargo ship or a tanker carrying humanitarian aid, oil, or even weapons, as well as a usually defenseless crew,” said Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass), chairman of the committee. “These attacks have also cost innocent lives. I am confident that tomorrow’s hearing will generate ideas about how best to address this important problem and lay the groundwork for an effective and enduring solution.”