
Calif. Gov. race: Newsom takes shot at Brown

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom took a shot at California Attorney General Jerry Brown yesterday as both gear up for the Democratic gubernatorial primary.

In a speech before the California Democratic Convention, Newsom said the race was a choice between “a stroll down memory lane” and a “sprint into the future,” according to the LA Times. Brown, who was elected governor in 1974 and served two terms, is hoping to re-claim his former job.

“We’re not a state of memories,” said Newsom, who refrained from using Brown’s name. “We’re a state of dreams. We’re Californians. We’re not content to relive history. We’re going to keep making it.” Newsom, 41, formally announced his candidacy last week.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the third major contender for the nomination, did not attend the convention, instead staying in Los Angeles to deal with the city’s budget crisis.

But Villaraigosa’s team has taken its own shots at rivals. After Newsom announced his candidacy on Twitter, an adviser to the LA mayor told reporters that Villaraigosa would not “Twitter while Rome burns.”

On the Republican side, former Ebay CEO Meg Whitman is facing off against Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and former Congressman Tom Campbell for the party’s nod.