
Dodd gets 5 in state donors

Sen. Chris Dodd’s (D-Conn.) first quarter fundraising numbers were strong, hovering around $1 million. But this nugget will have the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) salivating:

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd pulled in early campaign donations from just five residents in his state, looking outside Connecticut for the bulk of the $600,000 he raised from individuals in the first three months of the year.

That’s right–just $4,250 of Dodd’s $600,000 in individual donations came from in-state donors. Another 400 individual donors came from out of state.

The rest of Dodd’s million-dollar haul came from PAC’s and similar groups. How long will it be before the NRSC cuts a web ad on this?

Meanwhile, Dodd’s competitors aren’t doing so hot themselves:

Caligiuri reported collecting about $45,000 over the first quarter, mostly from individuals. After expenses, Caligiuri reported a balance of about $36,000.

Simmons declined to make available a copy of his first-quarter fundraising report. An aide said the Simmons campaign only recently opened a bank account and had no meaningful fundraising to report.