
Researchers in Antarctica tweet support for March for Science

March for Science demonstrations stretched to Antarctica on Saturday, with researchers at the Neumayer-Station research center tweeting their support.

The researchers tweeted a photo holding a sign that highlights a quote by chemist Marie Curie. Their sign said “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.”


The German research station studies meteorology and atmospheric chemistry, among several other research areas. 

The researchers are the latest in a host of groups and organizations around the world to show their support for the March on Science, which converged on Washington, D.C., and numerous other cities around the world on Saturday.

The march’s organizers said the event wasn’t partisan, but that President Trump’s policy proposals and push to cut federal funding for climate research were among the issues being protested.

Trump issued a statement Saturday saying that his administration is committed to preserving the environment as long as doing so didn’t hurt American workers.

“Economic growth enhances environmental protection. We can and must protect our environment without harming America’s working families,” he said.

Follow The Hill’s live coverage of the March for Science here