
Richard Spencer: ‘Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right’

Richard Spencer, a prominent white nationalist, said Tuesday that, despite President Trump’s remarks denouncing white supremacists and neo-Nazis, the president has yet to condemn the alt-right. 

“Trump has never denounced the Alt-Right. Nor will he,” Spencer wrote on Twitter. 

Speaking at a campaign-style rally in Phoenix on Tuesday night, Trump insisted that he sufficiently denounced hate groups after violence erupted during a white nationalist demonstration in Charlottesville, Va., earlier this month. 


Instead, he said, the media failed to accurately cover his remarks in the wake of the violence that left one counterprotester dead. 

“They don’t report the facts. Just like they don’t want to report that I spoke out forcefully against hatred, bigotry and violence and strongly condemned the neo-Nazis the white supremacists and the KKK,” he said.

But Trump made no mention of his initial claim in the aftermath of the violence that “many sides” were responsible for the mayhem — a claim that drew fire from both Democrats and Republicans.