
DOJ won’t charge police officers in Freddie Gray case

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will not bring federal charges against six Baltimore police officers involved in the 2015 arrest and eventual death of Freddie Gray, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Gray’s death while in police custody in 2015 set off weeks of protests and rioting in Baltimore. The 25-year-old black man died from a severe spinal injury that he suffered after being arrested and shackled in the back of a paddy wagon. 

The officers involved were charged by state prosecutors, though three were acquitted and Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby dropped all remaining charges against the other three. 


Even with those charges dropped, however, it remained to be seen whether the federal government would file charges against the officers.

The DOJ has been investigating whether police officers violated Gray’s civil rights during the events that led to his death.

Five of the officers will still face internal disciplinary hearings.