
Alyssa Milano on Ivanka private email account: ‘#LockHerUp??’

Actress and activist Alyssa Milano has a question following the news that Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to conduct government business in 2017.

“#LockHerUp?” Milano wrote Tuesday in a tweet.

Milano’s tweet references the “lock her up” chants directed at 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during President Trump’s rallies. President Trump had called for Clinton to be jailed over her use of a private email server as secretary of State.

The revelation that Trump’s daughter, a White House strategist, used a personal email account is now leading to cries of hypocrisy from Democrats.

A spokesman for Abbe Lowell, Trump’s ethics counsel, told The Washington Post on Monday that Ivanka Trump used a personal email shortly following her transition into a White House role due to unfamiliarity with official protocol and maintained that all emails sent by Ivanka Trump had been preserved and contained no classified information.

{mosads}“While transitioning into government, after she was given an official account but until the White House provided her the same guidance they had given others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her personal account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family,” the spokesman said.

Clinton was eventually admonished for “extremely careless” behavior by former FBI Director James Comey over her use of the private server, but was never charged with a crime.